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Why Uniforms?

School Uniforms Let Your Students’ True Colors Shine!!!

   Why is it that not a single school that introduces a uniform or dress code program ever abandons it?
It’s because school uniforms have a transforming impact on student’s attitudes and academic environments. Just ask any school leader, administrator or parent who has experienced the difference – the results are unanimous!

   A well-serviced uniform program has many proven benefits because it:
• Imposes unity and equality among the students.
• Eliminates peer pressure and prestige of being rich or poor.
• Fosters unity among diverse student populations.
• Increases school spirit .
• Puts the focus on students true identities.
• Saves families money.
• Promotes a school as an important part of their community.
• Raises school revenue.

   Adopt a Uniform Policy That Reflects Your School’s Tradition and Identity

   If your school is considering adopting a new uniform program, we encourage you to tell your unique story. As the colors of your school’s plaid are chosen and woven together, so are its traditions, spirit and vision. Designing your school’s uniform program can help reflect, establish and sustain your school’s identity. The same holds true for your students. Their true identity is most fully nurtured and refined when your environment puts the focus on who they are - their heart, mind, character, and daily choices - not on their daily wardrobe.


   Varadayini has a deep understanding of school uniform program development. It requires the excellent planning, communication and logistics management best provided by a local owner and member of your community. You also need champions within the school’s administration and parents, and we are the committed uniform provider to see it through successfully. Let us play a lead role in winning over your teachers, parents, and students. It won’t be hard to prove the transforming benefits of school uniforms.

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